FUJI LOGITEC NEXT, Inc.(Apparel warehouses)
- アパレル
- BtoC
- 出荷仕分け
- t-Sort
- 生産性
- 仕分けの自動化
- 誤仕分け
- スペース・レイアウト
t-Sort case study vol.1(English ver.)
The provision of our sorting robot “t-Sort sd5” as RaaS*, the space utilization efficiency of the warehouse was improved.
Explains the basic operation and strengths of t-Sort sd5, the overall mechanism that combines our proprietary developed WES “+Hub”, and the introduction effects.
*RaaS(Robotics as a Service) is a monthly flat-rate subscription service that we provide by using robots as a service.
- この資料でわかること
- 導入前の課題と導入後の効果
- パートナー様×7拠点の導入実績